Easy to follow: Write the Right Website Content

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I have always been a sucker for content, so when people ask what is my favorite thing, I always answer CONTENT MARKETING. My second answer would be a digital asset you own. Aka, a website.

You have complete control over the first information that a customer reads about you since searching for your name usually leads to your website. A website helps you create differentiation for your business and position your reputation. A well-designed website is a funnel for leads and sales for your business.

My last few projects involved writing complex digital content and characterizing digital assets for very large organizations, and I realized how easy it is to make mistakes. In order to prevent you from making mistakes in creating your site, I would like to share with you the steps that I followed when creating the content for my website.

Here are the steps that will help you create amazing content for your websites. 

Step 1: Define the purpose of your website

You can’t write content without knowing who you are writing for and what you’d want your audience to understand, feel, and do.

It’s critical to understand two main goals for a website before considering a digital asset like that.

Firstly, what purpose does the site serve for me, for the brand or organization?

Would this site position me as an authority figure and help me build my reputation? Is the site designed to increase sales? Perhaps its main goal is simply to collect leads?

Of course, one digital asset can address these 3 goals. However, to understand what will be displayed on the website, I must know what its main objective is.

Secondly, what is the purpose of the site in the eyes of my audience? In other words, what is the answer to a question or pain that concerns my audience.

Excellent websites make a promise to their target audience (that they can keep). This promise will relieve client’s pain. There will be an offer for a better reality. 

Step 2: Lay out the website’s structure

It’s critical for me to know how the site is structured before I can write a single letter. Identify which pages my website will have, what content I will need to write, what photographs or design I will have to provide etc.

A classic website structure included the home page, services page, about page, contact page and sometimes also a blog page.

You do not have to follow the classic structure. If there are pages you do not need, you can make a lean

website. I do, however, highly recommend defining what structure works for you and your business.

Step 3: Create the right flow

A visitor to your website has a single-digit second to understand what it is that you offer.

Readers will continue reading if it’s clear from the banner (header) what value can be acquired from the website and how your offer could solve a problem they have.

As a website owner, you will need to make a conscious choice of what is the most-likely-the-best order of the elements on your site, and what is imperative for you to present on the website.

Content websites and blogs will present free value and readable materials at an earlier stage of the home page, while SAAS (Software As A Service) sites will present the value that can lead to a quick purchase from the brand.

Image sites will highlight the story of the brand or business owner while an e-commerce store will present products and promotions.
Determine what type of site you are building and what its goals are. From this, you will be able to decide .which elements will appear on the home page and then on the additional pages

Step 4: Understand the language of the audience

Websites are sometimes written in very academic or super articulate language for some reason. SMBs owners tend to talk about themselves in the third person. Yikes. That could lead or audience to feel distant and have no emotional connection to us or our brand. Remember, no personal connection – no sales. 

We must take the language of the audience into consideration when writing content for a website. What level of expertise they have, the terminology they use, and what kind of information they are looking for when entering the site.

Another key factor is to try to understand what my brand wants to convey to the audience.

Do I want to be accessible and young or academic and serious? The answer to such a question (which by no means is the only question), will help you understand the language which you should use in order to write your website.

Anyhow, the site should be clear to the audience in its first 3 seconds of visiting.

Step 5: UX and Call To Action

The human eye scans the screen from left to right and from top to bottom. You should keep this fact in mind because the user experience will be determined by the way you present the elements, what words you emphasize, and when.

It’s critical not to create a visual burden on the eye and to know what is competing for your audience’s attention when creating a digital asset. People do not read enormous amounts of text, they just skip it. 

In writing content for your website, you will recognize that every letter matters. Each word has a meaning.

When the content of your brand’s messages is concise, clear, and supportive, you will create a pleasant experience for your audience. This is because it will be evident to them where it came from and what it has to offer.

In order to engage your site visitors, it is helpful to weave motives for action throughout your site.

It could be a pop-up that invites them to sign up for a newsletter, a floating button to contact WhatsApp, or even a classic button that motivates them to be active. Your audience will have a positive experience on your site if it is easy for them to take action. They will relate that experience to working with you personally. 

The process of building a website involves planning and implementing insights. 

Decide what you hope to achieve with your digital asset. You should always consider the audience you are writing to and the message you wish to convey. Defining the terminology and structure that will motivate your audience to take action is key

.Good luck


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